I decided to allow the gentleman to come to my home (with my husband present) and find out some facts. I wanted to first of all see if it was just going to be an insurance sales pitch and second of all, to give them a chance to find out what people were saying.
The gentleman we met with is named Tyson. He is a general manager with American Income Life Insurance Company. Right there, I can imagine everyone saying "Ohhhh see, it IS an insurance sales pitch, I KNEW it!" You are sort of right. Yes, we did discuss various insurance information. At no point did he try to pressure us, nor did he make us feel like we HAD to listen to any sort of pitch. Quite honestly, there wasn't an actual pitch.
Tyson came in and almost immediately I told him what was being said on facebook. He looked shocked and asked me where it was being talked about. So I directed him to our page. He has a specific area in Ontario that he is general manager for, and was surprised about the experiences that had been shared.
He sat down with us and went through the McGruff Child safe kits, pointing out info and asking questions.
Then he went through the AIL child safe kits that they give you for in the vehicle.
I learned that if a child goes missing....do not wait to contact police, there is no 24 or 48 hour waiting period like there is for an adult.
Then came the insurance talk. He gave us 2 policies for $2000 each (for Free) so if either of us were to die we have an extra $4000 on top of whatever coverage we already have. A discount code to get a percentage off of eye glasses on top of whatever coverage you get to be used a certain stores like RCSS.
He gave us some information packets for preparing for a funeral, what our wishes are ect.
I don't qualify for the life/medical insurance because I have already been diagnosed with cancer, the accident insurance was discussed. Both were pretty brief. He didn't try to pressure us, he gave us info. That's it. At the end of our meeting, he asked if we wanted to donate anything for the local food banks. My husband volunteers at the food banks, so we donate regularly.
Quite honestly, we had a nice conversation....about MORE than just insurance. I don't regret letting him come. Yes, I could have gotten the information that's included in the kit off the internet as some have pointed out.
All I am attempting to do here is give you guys the information and experience that I myself went through, and give you the opportunity to make the decision yourself as to if you want to contact them and get your freebies. As we all know, there are some unscrupulous sales people in the world who will resort to high pressure sales tactics. Then there are some like Tyson. He has stated that he makes no commission, he gets paid no matter what, so it doesn't affect him if you do or do not get the insurance coverage that is offered.
If anyone DOES want to apply for the child safe kits, click the "get Freebie" button below to go to the website. Keep in mind that it could take over a year for them to get back to you.
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