I was given the new Keurig 2.0 400 series to test &
review for free. I was so excited because I have wanted one but never bought
one because I did not know enough about them. I had seen the machines in
various offices & stores, and heard about them from others. I had never
tried it myself because, well to be honest, I was scared I would break it.

Immediately after doing the quick wash out ect hubby & I
set it all up, it was super easy; just put it on the counter, slide the drip
tray in front of the machine, fill the water reservoir & slide into place.
We followed the instructions & ran just hot water
through first. Then we inserted the K-Cup pack & while reading step by step
in the manual, proceeded to brew our first of many single servings of coffee!
About the only thing I don’t really like is the noise it
makes when you make a cup of coffee. When it sucks the water up. It’s very loud
& I thought at first something was wrong with the machine. Thankfully there
Keurig has also done something to attempt to counter the use
of non-Keurig K-Cups in their brewers. They have made it so if it doesn’t have
a special ring or a green dot on the K-Cup, the machine will give you an “oops”
message and refuse to brew it.
They have a HUGE assortment of flavours over 125 varieties and 20 brands & beverages you can choose from on the Keurig.ca website. And once you become a member, you save a bit of money on items as well. On average you will be able to buy 24 k-cup box for under $18.00.
Now Keurig I have to say was awesome when it happened to me.
You see I had been saving up all the sample K-Cups of coffee that various
companies have sent out over the last 18 months. I planned on buying a machine one
day, so why not. Unfortunately, not one of the packs would work in the Keurig
2.0. They ALL gave me the “Ooops” message. I was sad. Yet again, I followed
directions & reached out to Keurig at the webpage they gave. A couple days
later, I received a response & they made it all better. I don’t want to say
how, because I can see ALOT of people taking advantage of it if it got spread
around & in my opinion it isn’t fair to the company if that happened. I’m
all for saving money, but not when it’s done illegally.

So I eagerly opened up the Dulce de Leche and inserted it. Up
comes the by now familiar “Ooops” message. Oh No…here we go again. Hubby’s
Italian blend…got an “oops” too. My French Vanilla worked no problem! Yay…out
of 36 new K-Cups, I get 12 I can use. Back to the website & report the new “Oops”
again, they made it right.

It’s got a touch screen display that is easy to use, you can
program it to turn on & off thereby saving power. You can select the
different cup sizes & carafe sizes so you can have a strong or weaker cup
of coffee at your leisure.

I can't stress how much I suggest if you are looking for a new coffee machine, that you give the Keurig 2.0 a try.
For more information check out them out on their WEBPAGE or connect with them via TWITTER or FACEBOOK
"I received these products complimentary from
Influenster for testing purposes."
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